Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Public School Discipline At Columbine High School

schools. School administrators became increasingly concerned about drug use and gang activity among students, and dramatic events such as the shooting at Columbine High School further solidified fears about school safety. In response to these problems, many schools began implementing policies of exclusionary discipline, (Skiba Rausch, 2006). Such policies are generally based on the assumption that removing students from schools when they behave disruptively will create peaceful learning environments and deter others from engaging in similar patterns of conduct. However, frequent use of disciplinary removal from school is associated with a range of negative student outcomes, including ad increased contact with the juvenile justice system (Skiba, et al. 2008). (IN FAVOR OF EXCLUSIONARY). Such practices have long been embedded within the culture of public school discipline in the United States as a means to maintain safety and order in schools. Exclusionary Discipline Exclusionary discipline is loosely defined as any type of school disciplinary action that removes or excludes a student from his or her usual educational setting typically referring to suspension or expulsion (American Institutes for Research). Since the early 1990s, the national discourse on school discipline has been dominated by the philosophies of exclusionary discipline. Originally developed as an approach to drug enforcement (Skiba Rausch, 2006), the federal government passed the Gun Free SchoolsShow MoreRelatedThe Zero Tolerance Policies Is Defined As A School Policy That Mandates Uniform Consequences1747 Words   |  7 Pagespolices are defined as a school policy that mandates uniform consequences for specific offences. These predetermined punishments do not take into account any mitigating factors including the circumstances, disciplinary history, or the age of the student (Findlay, 2008, p. 112). 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